Someone needs what you are selling. What is your business model?

What I love about the World Wide Web (WWW) is its limitless potential to connect people to great products and services that can bring them happiness, joy and/or transform their lives for the better. I truly believe that digital technologies are a gateway to life-changing opportunities not only for customers but small business owners too.  By unleashing your business potential online as a female business owner you can be empowered to obtain the financial freedom, independence and flexibility that you strive for to benefit you and/or your family.


However, ultimately at the heart of your business is your customer and who you serve. Therefore, who are you not to set up that business and put your products and services out into the world? For what you are selling someone needs to solve a problem or enhance their health, wealth and/or happiness. So, I ask what business model (way to generate revenue) could you use to ensure that your product/service reaches the right customers in a way that makes it easy for them to buy and use.


Bianca Miller-Cole, The Apprentice Finalist and owner and founder of Bianca Miller London in her co-authored book ‘Self Made: The Definitive Guide to Business Start-Up Success’ lists a number of different business models (2017 p.7) that you might want to consider.

Could you:

  • sell direct to your customers via website, pop up shop, high street shop or market stall
  • charge a monthly membership/subscription fee for your service for example the woman’s networking group, The Merit Club
  • create a free version and when you have grown a large enough community of users offer a paid version of your products/service e.g. Gumtree, Hootsuite
  • sell through third party suppliers like wholesale, Amazon, Etsy, Not on the High street and through other people’s sites and businesses
  • set up a marketplace and charge fees and earn commission, think ebay
  • license your product or service for others to sell
  • once established and successful franchise your business as a way to scale?

Want to know more?

Find out how Bianca Miller Cole started and developed her entrepreneurial journey here.

Get a copy of the book 'Self Made: The Definitive Guide to Business Start-Up Success’ wherever you buy your business books.

Are you a woman in business? Have a Start-Up story that you would love to share to ‘inspire and aspire’ our community?

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