Leading your Business from the Front Online

As webpreneur that helps women with small businesses get online, I often find myself providing business coaching support as well conducting the web design and/or social media marketing services that they require. Women more so than men feel anxious about getting their business online because it requires them to move from ‘invisible’ (conducting business under the radar) to ‘visible’ (oh no now the whole world knows what I am doing!).

Podcast star and business strategist Cathy Heller sums it up well when she says that for women, imposter syndrome kicks in. The trail of thought goes ‘Who I am to do… [fill in the blank]?’; ‘I am not qualified’ ‘What will people think’. That is why a small but steady consistent approach is needed to build up the confidence to lead your business from the front. There is no getting away from the fact that people buy from people. So, you need to develop an online strategy where people have the opportunity to KLT  - Know, Like and Trust  you.  So how do you start and develop your business profile online?


1.       Social Media – this is a great place to start because it is free; and you can watch how other people do it by following their channels. Pick one or two channels to double down on and curate your brand voice. To get you going identify six topics that is reflective of you and your business (e.g., business books, inspirational quotes, your products/services, news, events and personal development) and challenge yourself to post everyday for 30 days to get into the social media habit.


2.       Email Marketing /Blog –a great way to communicate your enthusiasm, passion and business interests as well and your products and services. Also, no photo of you is required but high on business visibility and SEO.


3.       Website having a website can make your business seem ‘official’ and give it an air that ‘she means business’ by raising the business profile online. For some women the opportunity to play on a bigger online stage, leads to an increased level of anxiety for they feel they will be judged  i.e., everyone will know what I am doing and now I have digital footprint that gives permanency to my activities. As websites go up, they can also come down; and although there is no specific timeline as to when you need a website, in your heart of hearts you will know the right time. So, like a parent of a child, you have a to make the best decision for your business at that particular time and get the help that you need from someone you know, like and trust to help you your business get to the next level.



4.       Video Marketing –  This is the medium that bring some confident grown women out into a cold sweat because they have to put their face on camera. Although it is not a marketing tool for everyone, with ‘Reels that can bring you deals’ (do you like the play on words)  on YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, video marketing maybe something worth building up your confidence to. Outside of in person, for some industries it is one of the quickest ways for people to KLT you.


Want to know more?

Thinking about having a small business website but don’t know where to start? Why not book a 2-hour Website Design Support coaching session? Find out more @3Cs Digital here: https://www.3csdigital.co.uk/digital-services/web-design


Have a business already? Need support in starting and developing it online?

3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting and social media marketing .  3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital knowledge and skills to create and design websites, find their brand voice and curate social media posts to attract their ideal customers.


Thinking about starting a side business?

The Business of Life is part of the 3Cs Digital brand whose vision and mission it is to inspire and empower women to start and grow successful small businesses with confidence.  


As well as the blog, The Business of Life is developing an online coaching programme called *5 Steps into Entrepreneurship: Side Business Start Up Success* for women over 40.


So, if you are a looking to diversify your work portfolio and income stream; and create more freedom, flexibility and financial income so that you are empowered to live a life full of passion, purpose and prosperity book a free 30-minute coaching call  to find out how to start your side business from the comfort of your own home.