What’s your Value Proposition?

When someone asks you what you do, as an aspiring or early-stage entrepreneur you may not be saying your job title with conviction or in head and heart alignment, as you are still trying on your new identity for size.


So, what about if we took away the pressure of being at one with a job title and focused on the impact and transformation that your business product/service can offer instead?


Aww yes, the value proposition. Some people refer to it as the elevator pitch. What you can say in less than a minute (ideally 20-30 seconds the time it takes to ride a lift between floors) that sums up your business.


There’s lots of different ways you can approach this . However, to craft your value proposition, you could start by completing the following statement:


“I help [who] to [solve what problem] so they can [see what results]. My [why choose me]

WHO you serve

WHAT problem you solve for them

WHAT result you create for them

WHY they should choose you


[Source: Zipursky 2022]

Now next time someone asks you what do-you-do? Instead of muttering or whispering an inaudible job title try telling them how you can help instead.


Looking for digital marketing resources to help you get your business online?

3Cs Digital Shop on Etsy is an educational platform helping women in business get up to speed with digital marketing to do it yourself or hire someone else. Download your web marketing toolkits and templates direct to your device. #LetsDoDigital with confidence and ease.

Need 1:1 support in developing your business journey online?

3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting and social media marketing. 3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital know how and skills to start and grow a successful small business online.