What Tier are you and your Business in?

On Monday 12 October 2020 the government announced a three-tiered traffic light system in which to manage the Coronavirus pandemic across England. With different parts of the country living under different restrictions, operating a local or national business that’s in or supports the hospitality, leisure or retail sectors is getting more complicated than ever. With the rapid increase in the R number, one day you could find yourself in the medium tier and the next in the higher tier which London has now found itself in.


Tier 1 – Medium

  • Rule of 6 applies indoors and outdoors
  • Pubs and restaurants shut @10pm


Tier 2- High

  • No mixing of 2 or more households indoors
  • Rule of 6 applies outdoors
  • Pubs and restaurants shut @10pm


Tier 3 – Very High

  • No household mixing indoors or outdoors, in private gardens and hospitality venues
  •  Rule of 6 applies in parks and similar outdoor spaces
  • Pubs and bars not serving takeaway to close
  • Guidance on travelling in and out of the area


For businesses, tier 2 is the middle ocean that has no safety net. Businesses in this high tier are not ordered to close by government; and are therefore not eligible for government funding.  However, the tighter restrictions on how and where people socialise and with people being ordered to work from home, local high street brick and mortar economies will take a financial hit that could on for weeks or months with no national financial support.

Planning, adapting and communicating are key to managing yourself, employees, customers and your business during this fast shifting landscape. As well as critical evaluating your business and managing risk in all aspects of your business. So what can be done to manage constant and rapid change?

Want to know more?

Read EY’s ‘Covid 19 Business Continuity Plan: Five Ways to Reshape’ article. Want to know what tier are you and your business in? Find out here.


Are you a woman in business?

Have a start-up or business advice story to share to ‘inspire and aspire’ our community in the 'new normal?'

Email me @: info@3csdigital.co.uk


Want to start or grow your business income?

3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting and social media marketing 3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital knowledge and skills to: create and design websites, find their brand voice and curate social media posts to attract their ideal customers to their small business website.