What are You on Mission to Do? Communicating your Business Value Proposition

One of the common statements I hear from women who clearly have a talent, product or service and want to start a business is that there isn’t any room in the market for them as their idea has already been done.


As Jadah Sellner, author, international keynote speaker, poet and creator once said:

‘There are no unique messages, only unique messengers’

Yes, my friend to differentiate in the business market you need YOU. You are part of  your business’s unique selling point. So, although your market research may have shown you that other people do what you do, they can’t sell it in the way that you can. It is your value proposition, also known as a mission, core or benefit statement that will also be a factor as to whether people want to work with or buy from you. For example, Toms Shoes’ motto is ‘We’re in Business to Improve Lives’. They are renowned for their One for One model i.e. you buy a pair of Toms Shoes and they give a pair away to people in developing countries. Pioneering social enterprise back in the day was Anita Rudduck. The Founder of the Body Shop. Her business trailblazed the practice of  ‘Fairtrade’ and sustainability at time when the line ‘Show Me the Money’ from the Jerry Maguire film had more resonance in business at that time.

Rhonda Hess founder of the Prosperous Coach Podcast argues that your core message must :

  • Articulate how you benefit your target audience
  • ‘Weed out’ non -deal prospects
  • Spark an interest with ideal prospects in seconds
  • Evoke a response ‘That’s Me!’ or ‘I want help with that!’
  • Invite them to take a step with you

So how do you communicate whether your business is a ‘aspirin’ (solves people’s pain point) or a ‘vitamin’ (enhancing people’s lives) in your value proposition.  Grab a pencil and journal and complete the following exercise Hess has put together:

1.       Begin with ‘I help’ or ‘Helping’

2.       Describe your target audience in the fewest possible words.

3.       Use evocative language to describe a specific tangible outcome that your audience wants

4.       Aim for one single sentence streamlined to 10-25 words max

Here are a few examples:

  • I help women feel amazing from the inside out by supporting their digestive and hormone health (Savoir Fayre Nutrition)
  • I help women create more freedom, flexibility and financial income so they are empowered to live a life full of passion, purpose and prosperity (Business of Life Coaching)
  • I help small businesses get tomorrow’s funding today  (Now Business Finance)


Want to know more?

Listen to Ep 44 ‘Craft a Compelling Benefit Statement for your Coaching Business’ from the Prosperous Coach Podcast by Rhonda Hess. Read ‘Value Proposition Design…’ by Alex Osterwalder et al


Thinking about starting a side business?

The Business of Life is part of the 3Cs Digital brand whose vision and mission it is to inspire and empower women to start and grow successful small businesses with confidence.  


As well as the blog, The Business of Life is developing an online coaching programme called *5 Steps into Entrepreneurship : Creating Success with a Side Business* for women over 40.


So, if you are looking to diversify your work portfolio and income stream, to create more freedom, flexibility and financial income so that you are empowered to live a life full of passion, purpose and prosperity book a free 30-minute coaching call to be part of the pilot programme in helping you to start your side business from the comfort of your own home.


Have a business already? Need support in developing it online?

3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting and social media marketing 3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital knowledge and skills to: create and design websites, find their brand voice and curate social media posts to attract their ideal customers to their small business website.