To Thy Self Be True: Finding your North Star as your Guiding Light
Starting your own business and/or changing careers involves a transformation shift in identity that can be likened to metamorphizing from a caterpillar to a butterfly. It involves the process of becoming…becoming an entrepreneur, becoming an artist, becoming a marketer etc.
Once you have taken the decision to make a change as Marie Forleo says everything after that is ‘figureoutable’. The Covid-19 pandemic brought on a national lockdown that some would argue forced us to get still and be introspective. With little to distract us from our everyday life questions of who am I? What do I want? What do I not want in my life? Have to come to the surface to wake us up and get clear 2020 vision on how we want to live our lives.
Dr Mandeep Rai, in her interview with Frankie Cotton, on the Women on Top Podcast talks about the importance of having clear values. Although her book ‘The Value Compass’ came out in January 2020 its relevance speaks to the times that we are in and how individuals and communities are looking for more meaning and purpose in their lives. She argues that we can’t go back. We can only go forwards but now as changed people with more compassion, collaboration and care.
To get to the heart of what we value and what is a purposeful life what questions could we be asking ourselves to help us find our north star that can act as our guiding light. Rai says that the questions below can be a starting point to unearthing our top five values. So, what are yours?
· Identifying people that we admire and why?
· What brings us joy?
· Who and What is important to me now?
· What do I want to be known for?
· What do I want as my legacy?
Want to know more?
Why not Listen to episode 37 of the Women on Top Podcast ‘Mandeep Rai’ or read her book ‘The Value Compass’ to find out more.
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3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting, content marketing and social media management, 3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital knowledge and skills to: create, design websites, find their brand voice and curate social media posts to attract their ideal customers to their small business website.