The Best-Case Scenario

The new normal  has resulted in us having to make decisions about our lives, careers and businesses in an ever-shifting landscape due to the omnipresence of COVID-19. When ‘‘You don’t know?  What you don’t know?’ how do you go about making decisions when you are living in a permanent state of uncertainty?

When we want to bring about big changes in our lives, business coaches and personal development professionals encourage us to dream and have a vision of how we want our life or business to be. However, with so many ifs and buts popping up when you play out an option with COVID-19 at the front of your mind, how can we tame the ‘How could this possibly work out ‘ voice in our heads. 

Rachael Kable founder of The Mindful Kind podcast talks about the importance of having hope and thinking positively. SKY’s strapline, ‘Believe in Better’ and one of my favourite quotes,  ‘Doubt Sees Obstacles, Faith Sees the Way’ speak to this.

To implement the ‘The Best -Case Scenario’ method’ in our everyday lives Rachael Kable says:


1.       Notice when a  problem or a challenge arises in your life

2.       Observe it in a non-judgmental manner by not placing any feelings or value to it

3.        If your mind starts to think negative thoughts about the problem/challenge, ask yourself    ‘What is the best-case scenario?’ in this situation and start imagining what the best-case scenario will look and feel like

4.        Then ask yourself ‘what is the one thing I can do today?’ to move closer to the best-case    scenario


Want to know more?

Listen to Rachael Kable’s The Mindful Kind podcast episode ‘The Best-Case Scenario Method’ here

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Have a start-up or business advice story to share to ‘inspire and aspire’ our community in the 'new normal?'

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3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting, content marketing and social media management,  3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital knowledge and skills to: create, design websites, find their brand voice and curate social media posts to attract their ideal customers to their small business website.