Start Before You’re Ready: Launch to Let the World Know You are Open for Business
There reaches a point in your entrepreneurial journey when you have to let the world know that you are open for business. You have the proof of concept for your products and/or services, a brand name, design and logo and one or more of your digital assets in place. However, here you are at the edge of a cliff knowing that you have to jump to get to the other side of why you set up your business in the first place (e.g. flexibility, creative work, financial freedom, independence and more) yet you still feel that you need a big dose of courage to jump.
Is there a ‘right time’ for the ‘when to jump’ to launch your business? Yes, there are times and seasons that are more optimal then others. Ultimately it does come down to the fact that you just have to start before you’re ready. For the confidence comes from the courage to start and take consistent action in developing your products and/or services for your customers.
As Marie Forleo the founder of the online business course ‘B-School’ and writer of this book says, ‘Everything is Figureoutable.’ In entrepreneurship education there is a saying ‘Fail Fast’ and ‘Fail Forward’. In other words, put learning at the heart of your entrepreneurial journey and be hard wired to ‘switch, pivot or quit’ if needs be. For entrepreneurship is not a sprint it is a marathon with you controlling the race. So, launch to let the world you are open for business and enjoy the ride.
What to know more?
Listen to online marketer extraordinaire, Amy Porterfield’s Podcast episode with Marie Forleo who talks about the twists and turns of her 20 years’ experience in setting up and growing her online business.
Want a bit of Marie Forleo’s online business course magic to ‘inspire and aspire’ you? Watch her free videos on
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