Let’s Play: Creating your first products and services

Turning an idea into a business reality is a messy scrappy process that requires you to simultaneously be a student and an expert. In that you will be taking forward knowledge and skills you’ve got, and developing those you don’t. Running alongside that you are also going on a personal development journey of making the mindset shift in becoming an entrepreneur.


The products and services that you produce at the start of your entrepreneurial journey may not become your ‘business signature’. So don’t worry. In starting out explore, play and learn and accept that the process is about continuously improvement.  The goal of your first few customers is to work with a BETA product or service in which you can find out what works, what doesn’t and how you can improve it. Also, document the process and note how long it takes you to produce it so that you systemise the process; and can later delegate to others.


To acquire your first few customers to get your ‘proof of concept’ (validation that your business idea works) you can position yourself as a ‘student’,  someone who is learning and set a price that is reflective of this. As you and the product/service improve, you can then increase your prices accordingly.   In other words, don’t think that everything needs to be figured out at the beginning. Just start and figure it out during the creative ride.


Thinking about starting a side business?

The Business of Life is part of the 3Cs Digital brand whose vision and mission it is to inspire and empower women to start and grow successful small businesses with confidence.  


As well as the blog, The Business of Life has a *5 Steps to Side Business Success’ 12 week 1:1 coaching programme to take women over 40 from idea to income. It is conducted online so you can do it from the comfort of your own home.


So, if you are a looking to diversify your work portfolio and income stream; and create more freedom, flexibility and financial income so that you are empowered to live a life full of passion, purpose and prosperity book a free 30-minute coaching call today.


Have a business already? Need support in starting and developing it online?

3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through educational resources, coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting and social media marketing  3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital know how and skills to start and develop their business journey online.