Let’s Get Creative and Mindful during Covid-19
Do you have the courage to bring forth the treasures that are hidden within you?
-Elizabeth Gilbert
With three more weeks of an official ‘lockdown’ we may not have this time again in our adult lives in which we are forced to stay at home. If you have children at home getting the ‘headspace’ may prove challenging. However, the ‘lockdown’ is giving us the opportunity to pause and think and be reflective about our current life and future wants and needs.
As we grapple with what will be the ‘new normal’ and changes that have been forced on us, how can we gain a sense of control over our lives so that we are curating a life from the inside out and not the outside in.
The ‘lockdown’ allows us to find ways to get back in touch with ourselves by picking up the simple pleasures of life that bring us joy but we didn’t have time for. Such as reading a book, listening to music, watching a film, painting, knitting, sewing, crafting, baking and more. Hobbies which can now be integrated into our lives or turned into side or main businesses to monetize our magic.
Also, by carving out stillness and mindfulness into our day, we can learn to tune into the intuitive whispers and signs that guide us towards the ‘right next step’; play and experiment with ideas about our life , career and/or family to explore what is best; day dream and use visualisation to identify and manifest the life and business success that we want; identify the knowledge and skills that we can develop and work on during this time so we are ready for the synchronistic opportunities when they come our way.
Being quiet for 5 minutes, closing our eyes, going for walks or journaling are some of the tools you can use to tune into yourself. What will be yours?
Want to know more?
Listen to ‘The Mindful Kind’ podcast by Rachel Kable with episodes from dealing with anxiety during coronavirus to mindfulness activities for tough days and weekends. Looking for mindfulness resources for business and life? Check out 'The School of Life/London' website.
Are you a woman in business? Have a start-up or business advice story to share to ‘inspire and aspire’ our community during the covid-19 pandemic?
Email me @: info@3csdigital.co.uk