Do | Delegate | Delete. Making your Time Count
Time and energy are the two things entrepreneurs say they wish they had more of. However, we are all dealing with 24 hours in a day. So, if you can’t magically add on hours and still have to deal with the ‘struggle juggle’ of competing demands, how do you make your time for what is important to you and/or your business?
Female founders are openly talking about how they don’t want to and don’t have to ‘hustle’ to start and grow a business; and are successfully managing both business and life on their terms. Along with millennials, women have disrupted what it takes to be an entrepreneur with the rise of the lifestyle business. So as a start-up or early-stage venture how do you make the time, so that your time counts?
Suneera Madhani, Founder of the CEO school podcast argues that to manage your time you need to know how you spend your time. She advocates that people should do a time audit during a course of a period of time so that you identify what you need to Do, Delegate or Delete.
1. DO - are activities that are your priority and will move the needle in your business eg. income generation activities like sales calls, accounting, business planning, developing a strategy networking and product service development etc.
2. DELEGATE – rope in family and friends to help with chores, childcare, cleaning and other tasks that keep the home fires burning. Women who have taken their business to the next level talk about buying back their time by paying for help inside the home and/or in their business so that they focus their time and energy on income generating tasks.
3. DELETE – Notice the tasks where you are in the flow and don’t notice time fly by; and those that deplete your energy. Be mindful about how you feel when undertaking tasks for your intuition is pointing you to what you could minimise or delete from your life.
Want to know more?
Listen to Suneera Madhani on *How to Apply Systems to your Daily Life, Using your Time Efficiently, and Delegating Even When You Don’t Have the Funds* podcast episode from CEO School here
Thinking about starting a side business?
The Business of Life is part of the 3Cs Digital brand whose vision and mission it is to inspire and empower women to start and grow successful small businesses with confidence.
As well as the blog, The Business of Life has a *5 Steps to Side Business Success’ 12 week 1:1 coaching programme to take women over 40 from idea to income. It is conducted online so you can do it from the comfort of your own home.
So, if you are a looking to diversify your work portfolio and income stream; and create more freedom, flexibility and financial income so that you are empowered to live a life full of passion, purpose and prosperity book a free 30-minute coaching call today.
Have a business already? Need support in starting and developing it online?
3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through educational resources, coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting and social media marketing 3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital know how and skills to create and design websites, find their brand voice and curate social media posts to attract their ideal customers.