3 Moves Towards Becoming an Entrepreneur

To step into or integrate a new identity to our ‘work self’ we need to unbecome to become. The move from where you are to entrepreneurship is not just the physical act of building an institution, it is also about the personal development journey of becoming, which is a mindset and identity shift. So, in the early days when you are just starting out in the first year or so what does it involve?


#1. From hobby or idea in your head to business reality -Turning a hobby or idea into a business requires you to shift to an entrepreneurial mindset, habits and behaviours. Your ultimate goal is to make money from your products and services; and add value to the lives of your ideal customers. A big dose of courage, consistency and creativity is needed to step into the entrepreneur role.


#2. From Personal Finance to Business Finance At the start of your entrepreneurial journey you are probably spending money out of your own personal account and/or savings. As you start to get your first customers and proof of concept, your business will need an identity of its own. So, setting up a separate bank account for business income and expenses will help with billing customers; and tracking and monitoring your spend.


#3. From sprint to marathon - When we take on something new, we want the change to be fast and rapid. However, when it comes to our identity, we need to see who we could be and take on the ‘I am’ identity. However, confidence, imposter syndrome, how people will perceive you means that it will take time to mentally and physically take on this new role of entrepreneur. Particularly, if you are at a certain age and life-stage.  So, give yourself grace and play the long game to achieve your goals.


Want to know more?

Listen to Laura Keplinger’s podcast episode which can be applied to any entrepreneurial enterprise *3 Mindset Shifts for Etsy Success* here


Thinking about starting a side business?

The Business of Life is part of the 3Cs Digital brand whose vision and mission it is to inspire and empower women to start and grow successful small businesses with confidence.  


As well as the blog, The Business of Life has a *5 Steps to Side Business Success’ 12 week 1:1 coaching programme to take women over 40 from idea to income. It is conducted online so you can do it from the comfort of your own home.


So, if you are a looking to diversify your work portfolio and income stream; and create more freedom, flexibility and financial income so that you are empowered to live a life full of passion, purpose and prosperity book a free 30-minute coaching call today.


Have a business already? Need support in starting and developing it online?

3Cs Digital is a web marketing service dedicated to helping women in business set up and develop their online presence. Through educational resources, coaching or consultancy services in web design, copywriting and social media marketing  3Cs Digital equips women in business with the digital know how and skills to start and develop their business journey online.