Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made?

From the age of 16 years I always knew what I wanted to do. I loved school and the inspirational teachers that I had. I wanted everyone to have the education, encouragement and high expectations that I experienced. Hence why I was on mission to ensure that for others too. That's why after graduating I did a postgraduate teaching course and then eventually got into educational research and policy advisory work which is what I always wanted to do. I followed the traditional path of doing a degree, then a postgraduate with relevant work experience in between and then landed my ideal job at the age of 26 years old. 

However, it was not until a left that role and moved into similar BUT very different job that I started to feel frustrated, restless and experiencing wanderlust. I was also yearning to do something else? Even though on the outside people perceived me to have a 'good job'.  When I worked in my ideal job people used to say to me all the time you are so entrepreneurial why don't you freelance. I just smiled and said thank you very much and put the information in my back pocket.

However, it was during this time in the ho hum job that I came to realise that we all have a work-style personality and mine at the time was a bit different from my co-workers and friends who seemed settled and happy. As a result I went on a self-awareness journey that bought me to a cross roads and the road less travelled - yes you guessed it - ENTREPRENEURSHIP.

It was time to take that 'you could freelance' information out of my back pocket and stick it on the fridge for me and the world to see on a daily basis. It is great when you have an idea and clarity on what you want. However, where do you start and how do you start. My entrepreneurial journey to education consultant started with the book 'Soloing' by Harriet Rubin. It was my bible for giving me the mental and physical know how to make the shift to *becoming* a freelancer and entrepreneur. 

Some would argue that entrepreneurs are made and not born because when you decide to leave the corporate world and set up your own business you need a shift in mindset and a transformation in your work identity for you are no longer dependent on a structure or monthly pay check. The metamorphosis is like changing from being a caterpillar to a butterfly.   

As Rubin says:

"you don't just leave--a company/a career/a paycheck--and cross over to a more satisfying life. There's more to it. There is a mysterious passage to be negotiated, a delicate transition required to go from alone-in-the-desert to complete-in-yourself."

Read It | Believe It |Do It.

 What do you think? Are entrepreneurs born or made?

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